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United Soccer Club & Soccer School Policies

Parent Code of Conduct

Parent/Coach Conduct

Refund Policy

Attendance Policy

Change of Program Policy

Cancellation Policy


Facility Conditions

Concussion Policy

Return-to-Play Policy

Rowan's Law

Background Screening

Social Media Policy



Parent Code of Conduct

We are committed to providing a fun, harassment-free environment for all players, coaches, and parents. Any parent that violates the USC’s Code of Conduct or behaves in an inappropriate manner will be immediately instructed to leave the field/gym, and a coach-parent conference will be arranged after the practice or game. If the behavior persists the parent may be permanently banned from attending all USC practices and games. Youth sports should be focused on the enjoyment and improvement of all players, not providing an outlet for the ego of parents. Any behavior contrary to this belief will be dealt with quickly and harshly. This is a zero-tolerance policy.  


Parent/Coach Conduct

Under no circumstances is a parent to interfere with a coach's coaching or teaching methods. Decisions about players are the discretion of the coach and must be respected. In case of a serious discrepancy the parent must contact the club in writing. The case will be discussed in a confidential manner.


Refund Policy

In case you need to cancel prior to the season start, you receive a partial refund (Your Fee minus an administration cost of $35).

If you need to cancel during the program, you will receive a pro-rated refund (the times you participated) minus an administration charge of $35.


Attendance Policy

In order to get the most out of the program and maintain a competitive structure, players in the Development Program are expected to attend all practices (and games if a team is formed). All absences must be communicated ahead of time to the Head Coach.


Change of Program Policy

In case you need to switch to a different Program (example: Thursday FM to Sunday FM) within a season you need to request this in writing. It is possible to move to a different Program as long as the desired Program has available spaces.

An administration fee of $25 is applicable. If a coach suggests a switch to a different Program for any reason, there is no charge. If necessary, conflicting jerseys need to be exchanged as well.

This switch should not be confused with changing Groups (age groups/skill groups) within a session or season, which is under the advisory of the coach and free of charge.


Cancellation Policy

In the event of inclement weather or facility conditions and/or special events (such as Canada Soccer or main FIFA events), USC reserves the right to cancel any practices, games, or team events with limited notice. Given the limited availability of fields and gyms, USC may be unable to reschedule or replay any practices or games, in which case no refund will be issued. Every effort will be made to proceed with scheduled events as long as it is safe to do so. In the event that USC coaches and/or directors decide to cancel a practice or game due to inclement weather, facility conditions or special events, every effort will be made to contact all affected families as soon as possible to communicate the changes.



In the event of lightning or thunder during practices or games, all practices and games will be immediately halted. All parties are to quickly leave the field and seek shelter in a safe location. Players are not to return to the field - and the game will not be resumed - until 30 minutes after the last thunder or lightning. Coaches/Program Directors have been advised to take a “better safe than sorry” approach concerning electrical storms and to always act with player safety in mind.


Facility Conditions

Practices or games may also be cancelled in the event of unsuitable field conditions. USC maintains its programs by obtaining permits for a variety of fields. The owners of these fields have differing policies on when fields may not be used, but generally, if there has been significant rainfall that leaves standing water on the field, creates unsafe conditions for players or increases the likelihood of significant damage to the field, practices or games will not be played.


No refunds or credits of any kind will be offered for any missed practices or games due to weather or facility closures or special events. USC will always make a strong effort to ensure all practices and games are played as scheduled, but extenuating circumstances may apply in some cases.


Concussion Policy

USC is committed to maintaining the health, well-being, and safety of all its participants.

This policy is intended to be a tool to assist in proper management of those   who have a concussion or are suspected of having a concussion.  


USC encourages the prevention of concussions using valuable education programs and enforcement of the rules of the game.

This includes, but is not limited to:  

  • The reduction of violence in the game. 

  • The reduction of head contact.

  • The reduction of hitting from behind.  Education of all participants on prevention and recognition of head injuries and responsible return to play. 

  • Encouraging respect and fair play.


If a player is suspected of having a concussion;

  • They will be removed from play immediately, regardless if the concussion occurred during play or not. The player will not be permitted to return to play that day. 

  • If there are doubts, USC staff will err on the side of caution and assume that a concussion has occurred.

  • The player will be referred to a physician for diagnosis as soon as possible.

  • Once a player is diagnosed with a concussion or is experiencing "concussion-like symptoms", they will not be permitted to return to play or practice until all of the return to play requirements are met.


For an overview of the proper steps to take after suffering a concussion, please refer to Parachute Canada's Concussion Guidelines here.


Return-to-Play Policy

Following a diagnosed concussion, all USC participants will be forbidden to participate in ANY sporting activities unless a Return-to-Play form has been signed by a medical doctor and submitted to the program director for review. For further information about the proper steps to return-to-play after a diagnosed concussion, please access the resources at Smart Teams, available here.



Requirements for Sport Organizations
Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018 makes it mandatory for sports organizations to

  1. Effective July 1, 2019, ensure that athletes under 26 years of age, parents of athletes under 18, Coaches, Team Trainers and Team Officials confirm every year that they have reviewed Ontario’s Concussion Awareness Resources. The Concussion Awareness Resources can be accessed free of charge at the following web location. A Confirmation Receipt for review of Concussion Awareness Resources must be completed by each registered participant and managed by the community sport organization for athletes under 26 years of age, parents of athletes under 18, Coaches, Team Trainers and Team Officials before participating in their sport. The Confirmation Receipt Form can be found here.

2. Effective July 1, 2019, establish a Concussion Code of Conduct that sets out rules of behavior to support concussion prevention. Each year, Athletes, Coaches and Team Trainers must review and sign off on their applicable Codes of Conduct.

3. Effective July 1, 2020, establish a Removal-from-Sport and Return-to-Sport protocol.  

Further information and sample templates is available online here.

The purpose of Rowan’s Law legislation is to promote culture change and make participation in amateur competitive sport safer. There are no enforcement or monitoring provisions in Rowan’s Law.

It is up to entities and individuals to ensure that they comply with the laws of Ontario.


Background Screening

All individuals holding a position with USC shall be subject to Criminal Record Checks which includes an Enhanced Criminal Background Check and a search of the National RCMP database, which includes a search of the National Sex Offender Registry. Individuals with outstanding Criminal Code convictions and/or pending charges for certain offenses shall not be eligible to hold the positions with USC.


Social Media Policy

It is the position of USC that the Code of Conduct governs all social media forums and all members of the USC community must continue to abide by the code of conduct when participating in social media exchanges.


It is the policy of USC that harassment and bullying in any form will not be tolerated and be subject to disciplinary action.  All USC athletes must refrain from such action and follow the Code of Conduct guidelines to report such incidents. Social Media forums have extended the definition of such infractions and have created a new term known as "cyber bullying". Online harassment, abuse and/or bullying are examples of cyber bullying and TOP Sports has a zero tolerance policy for these types of behavior.


It is incumbent on all USC members to adhere to the Code of Conduct in all situations, including during the use of all Social Media forums and technology.  Otherwise, the appropriate measures will be taken and Code of Conduct guidelines will be followed to address such infractions.  


For the USC Code of Conduct & Ethics, click here.
For the USC Code of Conduct to protect Children, click here.

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